Sunday 2 November 2014

Genesis 1:16 and other serious understatements in the Bible

In my last post I said that next up I would be sharing about the creation of man. But something else in Genesis 1 caught my eye and so I decided to point it out and have some fun with it as well with a lighthearted post before moving on to Genesis 2. The portion of scripture that I am speaking of is in chapter 1 verse 16 where it says of God and creation that “…He also made the stars”. The author of Genesis only used 2 Hebrew words to casually add this detail into the story. It is estimated that there are at least 170 billion galaxies in the universe with trillions of stars therein so one might consider this to be a bit of an understatement. But it is not the only one to be found in scripture. Here are a few others that I managed to dig up.

Judges 4:21

In gruesome detail we read about Jael, the wife of Heber, who drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera pinning him to the ground . The verse ends with a simple three word sentence, “So he died”….

Matthew 4:2

After Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights fasting in the wilderness scripture tells us that “…he was hungry”.

Acts 15:31

At first the early church was not really sure what to do with all of the new Gentile converts. There was a big debate about whether they needed to be circumcised or not. After some deliberation it was decided by the Jerusalem council that circumcision was not necessary among the Gentiles believers. Upon delivering the news in Antioch it says that “…when the people read it (the letter), they were delighted…”.

Matthew 5:14

A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden”. Yip.

Genesis 34:25

After Jacob tricked Shechem and his father Hamor into having every male within their city walls circumcised. The verse mentioned above, in describing their physical state after getting the snip, states that "they were sore”.

You don’t say…

Are there any other understatements that you can recall from the bible? I would love to hear them.


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