Hi there! Right off the bat let me apologize for the ridiculous title of my new blog. The title 'Bearded Llama' comes from my twitter account, I cannot even remember how I came up with that name, it probably just seemed funny at the time when I was creating my profile and so I rolled with it.
So why a second blog? My other page is pretty much open to whatever I feel like writing about at any given time but for a while now I wanted to do something strictly devoted to Bible study/commentary/interpretation/wonderings which is what lead to this. I wanted something that could eventually grow into a bit of a personal commentary on all the books of the bible and be recorded somewhere for easy access and sharing as well.
Let me warn you up front that I do not really fit into any Christian cultural box and so there will be things in here that you may appreciate and others you will not. Sometimes I feel like a Conservative who prefers being in the company of Progressives because I am a bit of an old school prude but at the same time I am also a bit of a skeptic and like asking questions pertaining to theology. So I hope that people on both sides of the fence (as well as behind all the other fences) will at least be willing to hear what I have to share and most importantly I hope that plenty of people will comment on my posted thoughts as I certainly do not have all the answers or even necessarily the right ones.
The plan is to start in the Old Testament and keep going but I will probably end up jumping around a bit as well. Please keep checking back for new posts or follow by email. The first post on Genesis 1:1 should be up in a few days time...
Love the bearded Llama and looking forward to some more posts.